Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday Pickup: Cold Weather Edition

This past week has been a blur and I'm glad I have this post to look forward to--even thought it's early, Tuesday has already been brutal.  There was a series of missteps (I believe the term is, cascading failures) that made me miss my bus into work and therefore miss the sweet spot of 7-7:45 gym time when I'm the only one there.  Not a tragedy, but the extra 25 minutes of waiting outside for a bus put a damper on my gym enjoyment.  I'm still cold.

DC has been frigid recently. Usually this time of year we're into the 60s and it's sunny everyday.  Instead, we've had what feels like weeks of wet, cold weather. Case in point: there's a predicted snowstorm heading into town tomorrow.  It's like I'm back in the northeast!

I love visiting the Kennedy Center for their free exhibitions and performanced.  Their latest theme is called "Nordic Cool" and it uses art and artists from the Nordic region.  Above is one of the large installations in the Hall of the States, and one of the dresses featured in an icy forest of fashion.

My favorite pieces were in the miniatures section.  In one of the rooms, the walls had a row of suspended boxes, each with a diaorama inside.  The dresses in this picture mimic larger dresses on mannequins outside.

Another miniature.  I have no idea what these are, but they're gorgeous.  I want to wear them on a jacket!

Finally, a picture of me on the balcony.  If there weren't so much fog you would be able to see the Potomac river int he background.  I was originally swaddled in about four more layers, but took them off for a quick photo.

I'm getting chills just looking at these!  Time for some tea!


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