Friday, February 1, 2013


My favorite part of my apartment......hmmmmm I'm not sure!  How about my favorite part of my room....

I like the little shelf I have on my desk.  My desk is where I throw my little odds and ends when I walk in everyday and where I keep some of my essential 'pretty' products.  I have my lotions and leave in conditioner along with my little buddy Pinky (the Pink Victoria Secret dog).

My mints and Body Butter Duo also live on the shelf.  I just put the big B bookend in front of it because it matches....I'm not sure if I like it but mom gave it to me.  I also have some pretty little envelopes I acquired that I keep in a glass bowl.

My desk is a mess with random pictures and clutter I've collected so my little shelf helps keep at least one part organized.

I'm off to figure out what to cook for dinner tonight!!!
It's my first time cooking for my boyfriend so wish me luck! Fingers crossed I don't poison him! 



  1. Love your corner nook. Full of clues about you. xoxo

    Did your dinner guess survive?
