Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Challenge Response!

Sorry it took me so long, K.  It was a crazy weekend (crazy awesome).  No Tuesday pickup, instead I'll do your challenge response.

I bring this briefcase to work every day, and have my packing down to a science.  When I'm out on the weekends it's usually a few snacks and a water bottle... and that's it.  I don't even bring my wallet, just an ID, credit card and maybe $20.  So you get the contents of my work bag, which are much more interesting:

Laptop, Smartrip card, two types of candy (in case my blood sugar dips), one snack, a pen and notebook (my Doha Journal), eyeglass cleaners, a compact, a flash drive, wallet and water bottle.  Lipgloss and phone go in my pocket, and I carry much lunch bag and coffee mug separately.

Voila!  It's nothing fancy, but you have to keep things light when commuting on the metro.  Occasionally I have to sprint for a train, and the less I have to carry the faster I run!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Purse Challenge


Our Friday challenge this week is to post a few of your favorite things you carry around in your purse.  Finding an item in my purse is like looking for a needle in a haystack; but I always carry around a few basic and easy to find things.

I like to switch my bag every week or so depending on my mood/what I need to carry around.  I usually have an extra pair of leggings and a shirt in my purse for outfit changes/nights out, and this bag can fit all my odds and ends with the change of clothes.  I got it at Aldo Accessories last year on sale.  It's a good bag ...except the cream 'leather' has picked up some of the black from my jacket and now has a greenish tinge on the opposite hem.

I have my tweezers, scissors and eyebrow comb with me at all times.  I need them for my job.  I have a bad habit of tweezing random hairs of of friends sometimes so my little kit comes in handy.  I also have a little Coach wallet my bestie JJ gave to me about two years ago.  

I carry my make up bag with me for touch-ups throughout the day.  It has eyeliner, bronzer, mascara and a BB cream.  It's my everyday cheap makeup.  I like to carry my inexpensive makeup around and keep the more expensive stuff at home.  I also have 'Help, I Have a Headache,' which YOU gave to me for xmas.  I get the worst headaches. The pill case it's really helpful to have.  Thank you :)  I keep 'Tease' by Victoria Secret spray with me for the occasional spritz of fragrance   I love home it smells and I always get compliments on it.  The mini bottle is perfect for knocking around in my bag.

So, These are just a few of the many things I carry around on a daily basis.  Whats in your bag???

Miss you!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I tried taking pictures of my favorite sparkly item....but my camera makes sparkles look blurry so my pictures keep turning out horrible :(  My favorite item is a bracelet that broke and  converted into a necklace using an old pair of nylons.  I"ll try to steal someones phone to take a better picture.  In the meantime though, I saw you posted some pictures of yummy nom noms you made so I'm going to post some pictures of what I've had recently.

I used green beans, carrots, celery, onions and potatoes with some rice to make a healthy soup

I went to Panera and got a yummy spinach salad with a broccoli and cheddar soup....It was SO good and a perfect little lunch on a chilly day.

Ok, this looks kinda gross but it was really good!!  Green beans, edamame, kale and rice with soy sauce.

I'm trying to be a little healthier in my eating habits.  It was going well until I got Girl Scout cookies...I think cheating with the cookies is acceptable though because I'm helping a little girl reach her sale goals.  Remember when we use to sell GS cookies?  We were a killer sales team!!!!

I feel like I'm getting sick so I'm taking it easy and drinking tea.  I'm also trying to quit smoking this week.  I've gone 24 hours without smoking so fingers crossed I stick with it this time.  It's so hard!!  I definitely think that surrounding myself with people who don't smoke is helpful though and also having a goal in mind....My new goal is to be able to go running with one of my best friends.  She's really motivating me to get off my ass and get in shape.  I'm lucky to have such good friends who support me being healthy<3

That's it for now.
Miss you!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday Pickup

First off, K, you still need to respond to my Friday challenge.

When friends come to visit, I harass them into appreciating art with me.  When nice friends come to visit, they agree to take pictures of me in the gallery--like this one, in front of a stunning painting of the Grand Canyon.  Pieces like this are so beautiful, and I'm amazed at how someone would have the patience to create such a piece.

In a quest to add more protein to my diet, I've started cooking with lentils.  This is the start of a delicious lentil soup with tomato, sausage, and spinach.  No broth, no special spices, just delicious veggies and 28 oz of canned tomatoes.  Take away the sausage, and it's vegan!  One batch made so much I had to freeze half, and I'm looking forward to when I get to have it again.

I've been integrating pins into my wardrobe, mostly because I need to justify keeping them around, and also because I don't wear much jewlery so there's always room to spice up my outfits.  Two of my favorites this week were a pin from the Tate Modern that went with a basic grey sweater dress and oxford shirt, and a thrift shop find that I strung up as a necklace.

After literal weeks out of stock everywhere, I finally found some of my favorite tea--Stash Lemon Ginger.  I grabbed three boxes just to be safe. It's my go-to for decaf tea, refreshing with a bite.

Another culinary adventure: making Okonomiyaki.  It's kind of like a japanese scallion pancake, loaded with cabbage, crab meat, and egg.  I also made a super spicy sauce to go with it.  The entire process was fun, but now I have almost six cups of leftover chopped cabbage... does anyone have a suggestion for what I could do with it?


Friday, February 15, 2013

V-Day Wrap up


My Valentines Day started out ROUGH!!  The morning/afternoon was spent in bed throwing up and when I finally mustered up enough strength to go to CVS and get some Gatorade......I walked all the way there only to realize I'd forgotten my debit card at the restaurant I'd been at the night before.......It was a disaster.

Until I got these!!!!!!!!

  Three dozen beautiful Tulips from my (sometimes) thoughtful boyfriend ;)
He got me a cute card too.

My outfit choice was black (obviously) but it was one shouldered and a little flowy...not my usual style.

I figured since it was my first Valentines Day in a while with someone who's name didn't start with J that I should go outside my usual comfort zone and wear something a little different.......New first initial=new style choices.....That was dumb lol I apologize.

Anywho.....I'll respond to your Friday Challenge tomorrow.

Miss you!


Friday Challenge

It's been a fantastic Friday so far, K.  I slept in until 7, got a free sample of crème brûlée frappuccino at Starbucks, caught the express metro, and have lots of fun things to do at work today.  I hope your Friday is looking bright as well!

I challenge you to display your favorite sparkly accessory.  Mine is a scarf I bought in Dubai from a place called Stradivarius.  I love it because I can wear the scarf to dress up an otherwise plain top.  The pictures are from Monday, when I had on a cobalt skirt and black sweater.  The gold really makes other accessories pop, and it's fun to wear an office-appropriate spangly piece.

That is as fierce as I get.  K, it's your turn.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's day, K!  I'm not a big one for the holiday, but in my opinion, any opportunity for chocolate and flowers is a reason to celebrate.  While I was out at the farmer's market this weekend I spotted the perfect treat: chocolate heart-shaped ravioli.  I was told it is best served warm with vanilla ice cream.  Delicious!

Also this weekend, when mom visited she bought me some beautiful flowers.  Boba lost his vase but I think it's good for him to get some fresh air an a change of scenery.  The flowers smell fantastic, they absolutely brighten up the apartment.

P.S - V day means I get to wear my love earrings.  I can only do it once a year, so I enjoy it!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday Pickup

Ouch, it's been a week since my last post!  Things got a bit hectic, so I'll try to make up for it this week.

I missed Friday's post due to work travel in Virginia.  It snowed overnight, and the dusting was beautiful--nothing compare to yours, K, but a good showing for the south.  Driving home on Friday afternoon I passed beautiful hills, farms, and cattle ranches.

Typical of the area, I stopped into a convenience store and was greeted by a wall of chewing tobacco.  Gross, but fascinating.  Who knew there are so many varieties to choose from?

I took part of Saturday to work on my journals, and completed my scrapbook for Singapore!  The remaining piece is the title page.  I also bundled up under blankets to sit on my balcony, enjoy the sun and keep writing my Doha journal.  I've fallen behind schedule and am trying desperately to catch up.

This past week was restaurant week in DC, and I went to Mintwood Place with friends to sample their food.  I started with Beef Heart salad that included a poached egg nestled in the lettuce, parsnips, and slender cruotons.  Then a five-grain risotto with squash and broccolini.  The coup was dessert: baked Alaska they fired at the table.  Every patron whipped out their camera for this piece.

I went to the Martin Luther King library to pick up a few new reads.  After Cleopatra I'll be starting on Sacre Bleu, with Sherlock Holmes if I need a breather.

Sunday, February 10, 2013



IT SNOWED!!!!!!!  We had a massive snowfall here in Boston!  I was snowed in for a day but after the travel ban was lifted I was able to get back to Lex and take some pictures of all the beautiful snow :)

JJ had to come over to help me dig out the car from the garage.....thanks JJ!!!!

Note how the snow was up to above my knee's!!

The snow is taller then the bobcat shoveling it!!!

These ppl had a lot of snow out front!

I wish you were here so we could play in the snow and then make yummy hot chocolate together!!  I'll make some snowballs and store them in the freezer so next time you're home we can have a snowball fight :)

On another note......I'm happy mom was able to get home safe and she got to stop over in DC to spend some time with you :)

Miss you Starfish!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


These are a few things making me happy today :)

Dakota :)  I woke her up taking this picture.  She's so cute!

My bathroom European Wax Center Display.  I'm in love with these products and use them every day to keep my skin silky smooth and bump free.

This just makes me laugh so hard.

Hi :) This little guy pops up out of my tea cup to say hi :)

Gel Manicures

On a different note, I'm a little nervous about the storm coming in this weekend.  I don't like it when it excessively snows and 21 inches is excessive.  To bad you aren't home T....we could go sledding and drink hot chocolate!!!

Miss you!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday pickup

Not sure about you, K, but my Tuesdays usually end up going awry.  Last week I stained a new blouse, banged my thigh hard enough to bruise (roughly the size of a dollar bill) and took the metro in the wrong direction.  Ouch.

Let's try five things to perk up the day:

DC had snow flurries four times last week.  Although I prefer snow that accumulates, looking out the window and seeing something beautiful brightens even the cloudiest day.

I took a trip to Trader Joe's and discovered frozen macaroons, which is fabulous because I am addicted to macaroons.  Thaw them for half and hour and you're good to go.  They're meant for dessert, but I like them with a cup of tea for a snack.

Valentine's day means flower sales.  I bought a foolproof hyacinth plant.  Add water, place in a sunny spot, and flowers should appear in a week.  I put it on my desk (sunniest place in the apartment) and it's doing well next to my card boxes.

My roommate works with a nonprofit dedicated to Chinese-American relations, and we were able to attend a celebration of the lunar new year, with a focus on silk fashion (there were models and everything).  One of the event photographers snapped a picture of me, and now I'm in a Chinese newspaper.  See above for my favorite dress exhibited, or check out the professional pictures (I'm on slide three) at http://news.xinhuanet.com/photo/2013-02/01/c_124312990.htm

PS - K, did you see the Alex and Ani commercial during the superbowl?  Your christmas present has put me well ahead of the curve.


Friday, February 1, 2013


My favorite part of my apartment......hmmmmm I'm not sure!  How about my favorite part of my room....

I like the little shelf I have on my desk.  My desk is where I throw my little odds and ends when I walk in everyday and where I keep some of my essential 'pretty' products.  I have my lotions and leave in conditioner along with my little buddy Pinky (the Pink Victoria Secret dog).

My mints and Body Butter Duo also live on the shelf.  I just put the big B bookend in front of it because it matches....I'm not sure if I like it but mom gave it to me.  I also have some pretty little envelopes I acquired that I keep in a glass bowl.

My desk is a mess with random pictures and clutter I've collected so my little shelf helps keep at least one part organized.

I'm off to figure out what to cook for dinner tonight!!!
It's my first time cooking for my boyfriend so wish me luck! Fingers crossed I don't poison him! 


Friday Challenge

Happy Friday!  And happy February!  We had a sudden dusting of snow this morning--I woke up to flurries, but by the time I made it out the door all that was left was a light covering of snow.  Enough to slip on, ouch my knee.  K, I challenge you to display your favorite item in your apartment (no pets)

Mine is my Boba Fett bobblehead that I encased in an upside-down vase.  I got Mr. Fett in a Yankee swap a few Christmases ago (I think), and then two years ago my old evil roommate bought flowers for Easter and left them to mold.  I rescued the vase and flipped it over as an awesome case for Mr. Fett.

The evil roommate spent weeks using this as proof that I was strange.  But if displaying a prized Star Wars action figure on your bookshelf is crazy, I don't want to be sane.  Current roommate has so far tolerated him, and I've placed him in the book nook to supervise the hardcovers, dinosaur encyclopedias, and scrapbooks.

Can you spot him?

There are lots of sentimental things in my apartment that I would rescue in a fire before Mr. Fett, but I love looking into the book nook and seeing him there.