Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Challenge

Happy Friday!  K, I challenge you to share the best thing you did (or started doing) this week

Mine is beginning my journal from Qatar.  During the six months I spent in Qatar (June-Dec) I kept a diary on my laptop that's clocking in at about 70 pages.  I'm amazed I didn't drop off halfway through, which is a huge thing in and of itself.  Now that I'm back, I want to have it in an actual journal instead of a word file.  So I'm transcribing the entire work into a leather journal that I've been saving for just such an occasion.


It's a huge endeavor, but I'm taking it slowly at about a page a day, plus five per weekend (harder than you'd expect) bringing me to ten pages transcribed a week.  If all goes well, I'll be done by mid-March.

Oh goodness, what have I gotten myself into?

This past weekend I sat down and started writing, and am currently on page twelve. I have a ways to go, but am very excited!


P.S - I'm attending a fancy party tonight.  Be jealous (I'll post pictures soon)

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